Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A caring father's mistake

Background first: an argentinian guy got killed in a fist fight at a bar in a brazilian coastal town. According to witnesses, he was beat up by a group of argentinians from the province of Corrientes, sons of wealthy families, who fled the neighboring country immediately and took refuge with their families back home. Since the story first appeared in local newspapers, more and more testimonies have been published, both from people who saw these correntinos in Ferrugem (the brazilian town where the fight took place), and from people from Corrientes who had been attacked by these brats in the past, to give an idea of the impunity they enjoy for belonging to powerful families in their province.

I read this in the newspaper today:
Es que la estrategia entre las familias de los siete jóvenes es recurrir a todos los medios legales para evitar que sus hijos sean forzados a declarar en territorio brasileño. "Como padre no puedo permitir que mi hijo vaya a Brasil. ¿Y si le inventan pruebas y termina en una celda con un enfermo de sida o un degenerado?", dijo a Clarín el padre de uno de los jóvenes sospechados.

No me entretiene andar resaltando obviedades, pero, ¿podría alguien explicarle a ese señor que ya su hijo es un degenerado? No tiene sentido que se preocupe por terminar en la cárcel con otro. Ya sé que este tipo se refiere a "degenerado" en un sentido menos amplio que el que yo uso, pero francamente, entre un asesino y un violador ninguno me parece "menos peor". And on his other argument.. Even assuming that AIDS makes you bad company, I'll still take someone with AIDS over a murderer any day, that's a no-brainer.

But the real mistake was to raise his sons to be part of an elite that feels they can beat somebody up to death and get away with it, to teach them that money and prestige place them above others. People are horrified by these feudal ways that survive in the provinces, but I don't even want to think about the things the rich and powerful from the capital could get away with.


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