Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Franz Ferdinand in BA

Last night I went to see Franz Ferdinand play at the Luna Park stadium in my beloved city. Socks were rocked. Oh yes, they were.

Estuvo increíble. ¡Qué onda que tienen estos pibes, por dios! Tienen muchísimo carisma. I bet that if you turn the lights out, they just glow in the dark.

What an awesome show!! Thank you for that, fellas. I was exhilarated, I had a great time and it completely shook off that bad feeling, the aftertaste the Strokes' concert left me with last October. I needed to see a good live performance by a band, a band that rocked out and played along with the public, and these four guys sure know how to show their fans a good time. I bet that here they were playing for an audience much smaller than what they're used to, but even with fewer people it showed that Franz Ferdinand clearly has what it takes to play in front of a huge crowd (while I have yet to see that on The Strokes).

Alex Kapranos, my heart is yours. I used to think he was kinda cute, but after seeing him perform live I think he's sexy, he makes me wanna be hotter and stupider so I can be a groupie kind of sexy. I want to rip that shirt open and do naught-ay things to him while he says something charming with that sexy voice of his.

One bad thing: I couldn't understand half of what they said. We're not scottish! Have some mercy! And the sound.. but well, at Luna Park what could one expect. The lead singer's guitar was too low, and the voice sounded muffled. Still, I'll take a great show over great sound any day. For great sound I have the studio versions at home (as soon as I have money, I'm putting an end to this shameful situation and buying both their albums).

The introduction of each band member that they made in the middle of The fallen was the best. So histrionic, I really loved them. Later, seeing three guys playing the drums at the same time was unique and fun. And for some reason, I really like Paul Thomson, the drummer; he looks fun. It's as my boyfriend said, they all look like fun guys, like people you'd like to know and go out for drinks at a bar with, to make jokes and laugh out loud all night.

Los que vayan a ver a U2 hoy y pasado con FF de soporte, no lleguen tarde, no se los vayan a perder que se van a arrepentir por el resto de sus vidas.


Maurus said...

que wacha!!! como escribis en ingles!!!!
Yo solo se español (argentinizado) y arameo antiguo... lo cual es sumamente util... no te imaginas!!

Leo★ said...

ahahaahaha ya somos dos, yo tambien escribo en ingles :$ pero no creo que mi ingles sea tan bueno como el tuyo >_<
esta increible tu blog, un saludo desde mexico.

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